Hand Sanitizer Gel with Alcohol, Organic Aloe Vera & Hydrogen Peroxide IPA Hand Sanitizer Gel! Moisturizing Hand Sanitizer made with Organic Aloe Vera Gel, Greater than 70% Alcohol and Hydrogen Peroxide! This Hand sanitizer is made with 91% Isopropyl and 70% Ethyl Alcohol, Organic Aloe Vera and Hydrogen Peroxide. This is *NOT 62%, but Greater than *70% Alcohol.
Necessity is the Mother of Invention. A supervisor refused to give me (owner of Refreshents) a drop of Hand Sanitizer and after driving to 15 stores and not finding a single Hand Sanitizer, I decided to make it. In 2015 when I first compounded Hand Sanitizer for a Pharmacy, I didn’t think that it was a useful skill until March 2020. This formula contains >70% alcohol which satisfies the CDC, FDA, guidelines. It Kills 99.99% Germs! **** Following CDC guidelines, Our Hand Sanitizer is formulated with >70% Ethyl Alcohol, >91% Isopropyl Alcohol, Hydrogen Peroxide, Aloe Vera and Glycerine. Apply to hand and rub for 30 seconds.
In 2015, I (owner of Refreshents) learned how to compound perfume, lotions and hand sanitizer. A friend of mine who owns a Pharmacy asked me to make something that she could distribute to her patients as a gift when she first opened her Pharmarcy. I decided that the gift would be Hand Sanitizer and I used my compounding knowledge for making perfume and created Hand sanitzer. After that order I went back to work and tucked away my compounding notes until March when Hand sanitizer suddenly disappeared from all stores.
In March, I droves to 15 different stores looking for Hand Sanitizer and could not find it. While I was at the grocery store, the store supervisor refused to give me a drop of Hand Sanitizer. I was so sad that I went home, pulled out my notes and which were shockingly in compliance with CDC guidelines that Hand Sanitizer with >70% alcohol kills germs and I started making hand sanitizer for my family.
NOTE:**** Due to Covid19 and current Pandemic, Returns are not accepted, Thank you!
*NOTE: Except for the ***Single 62% Hand Sanitizer Option*** All Our Hand Sanitizer Gel are made with Greater than 70% Alcohol, Organic Aloe Vera and Hydrogen Peroxide. and **All options are 2Oz bottles except for the spray!
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